Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks for the beer.

There are a million things to be thankful for this year. I am living the dream, on the road with my boyfriend and currently at my parents house watching an Australian comedy. I am filled with love and abundance, and I even have a new bike. 
On days like this though I like to think about the other people who are living their dream, so today's post is devoted to Steven Slater, a real American hero.
For those of you who were under a rock here's some of the media coverage.

So Steven Slater realized that his dream was not taking orders from grumpy passengers on an airplane. It seems that he also dreamed of leaving his place of employment with a theatrical exit, I relate. I have spent many early mornings, while trying to push myself to go to the job I hate, fantasizing about announcing my departure from the company in a way that guarantees I will never be allowed to come back. Even in my wildest, most amazing fantasies though, it never occurred to me to take some beer and slide down an inflatable slide to freedom.
Steven Slater has found a new job. He is a travel correspondent for CNBC, People look to him for guidance in what to pack and how to avoid stress at the airport. His job s especially important during the holiday season. Only in America, land of reality television can one man's temper tantrum make him famous. 

This Thanksgiving I would like to say thank you to Steven Slater and to all the other people out there courageous enough to throw caution to the wind and slide down that inflatable slide with the knowledge that something will work out; it always does.